Ever since my time working at Burger King, I knew how to structure the learning process, and a few years ago I completed the famous course on how to learn, which confirmed my strategy. I use a school-like approach, where I have different "lessons" throughout the day. This is based on the principles of repetition (the forgetting curve) and how the brain processes knowledge.

I take several courses in parallel to maintain knowledge in accordance with the forgetting curve. This allows me to have a full set of well-assimilated skills by the time I start working. This approach is more effective than taking courses sequentially. In the latter case, I would only remember the recently completed material well, gradually forgetting the content of earlier courses, and would hardly remember the first one at all.

graph TD
    A[Data Analysis]:::blue --> B[SQL]:::purple
    A --> C[Python]:::green
    A --> F[Tableau]:::orange
    C --> D[NumPy]:::lightgreen
    C --> E[Pandas]:::lightgreen

classDef blue fill:#3498db,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:white;
classDef green fill:#2ecc71,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:white;
classDef purple fill:#9b59b6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:white;
classDef lightgreen fill:#a1e8af,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef orange fill:#f39c12,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:white;

style A rx:10,ry:10
style B rx:10,ry:10
style C rx:10,ry:10
style D rx:10,ry:10
style E rx:10,ry:10
style F rx:10,ry:10

As I constantly adjust my plan based on the general direction of data analysis, I'll simply provide an example of the courses I'm currently taking on August 27, 2024.








The Stepik platform is similar to a version of LeetCode for Russian speakers

Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 17.00.33.png